Thursday, August 23, 2007

Truth About Newark Shooting

Crimes involving African American victims by Hispanic assailants or visa versa are frequently portrayed as a robbery or gang related. If the victims were gay men, there would be angry gay rights marches with celebrities and politicians in the mix. If they were white college kids, we would be in an all out civil war.

The Newark shootings are a hate crime directed by legal and illegal Hispanic immigrants jealous of what little African Americans have in this country. Jealous Hispanics who gunned downed three wholesome college bound African Americans. As do many immigrants who think they have the right to discriminate and kill African Americans, all the while benefiting from the struggles of African Americans. Immigrants who snub their nose at American Immigration laws yet demanding rights in America that they cannot demand in their own countries.

The courage to hide in churches, demanding green cards, jobs, free education and health care. But yet no courage to demand the same in their lawless demented elitist societies. Fighting their neighbor for the right to work, send money back to their countries thus draining their societies. Reminds me of a drunk who burnt down his house, beats his wife (no respect for women) then uninvited jumps his neighbor’s fence, kills his workers (african americans), then demands to have sex with his wife and children.

Even worse no courage to stand up and help thousands of homeless babies in Latin America digging in garbage, competing with maggots for food to eat. All the while terrible Americans send millions in aid to help those children.

Cuban Exile who have the courage to burn, desecrate and piss on the American flag while singing the Cuban anthem on America soil, simply because they could not get their way with Elian Gonzales. The next day standing in line looking for Low Income Housing. The courage to jump off boats and shout “Libertad”, the next day engaging in Medicare and Medicaid fraud that amounts to financial terrorism. The courage to call them conservative Republicans while they build their American Dream on rampant fraud and corruption.

The courage to join arms with the elitist Republican Party and deny African Americans the right to vote. Thus electing a president twice by voter fraud. The same Fake President and his brother Jeb Bush who granted them $40 million dollars of taxpayers money disguised as Anti-Castro propoganda. The same corruption and arrogance that gave birth to Fidel Castro and the introduction of communism to Cuba. They have the courage to impose embargos and run their mouths in Miami but no courage to pick up a gun and fight against Fidel Castro.

I remember growing up in Miami, Cuban exiles fresh off the boat, where afforded jobs and housing by racist white American men. While African Americans citizens where routinely denied. Now the same Cubans are denying jobs to white men and their children if they can't speak spanish. The door that was opened for Cuban Exile in the name of racism is the same door that is being used against the white man. The door that has been opened for Hispanics in the name of cheap labor, greed and racism is the same door that will be used against the white man. Don't think for a minute it's just a Miami problem, this is rapidly developing all througout America and is a PRELUDE TO BOSNIA. Castro flushed his toilet in Miami, it's time to flush it back.

It is not Al-Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden that will destroy America but rather greed and racism. In summary, all that White America has done to Africans Americans is slowing coming back in the form of an Hispanic Invasion. In truth, what we do in life will come back to you.

Not that I am a fan of African Americans knowing their behavior is a slap in the face of those who struggled and died for their rights. But who are we to come and judge African Americans when our countries are baboon, lawless societies. Despite 250 years of slavery, a divisive and destruction welfare system, not a single African American has burnt or desecrated the American Flag while singing a foreign anthem on American soil.

Latasha Harlins
The courage to shoot an African American child over a box of orange juice. With a racist system granting her (Korean) probation for the killing of a child. (Los Angeles).

14 Year Old - Cheryl Green
The courage to shoot and kill young African American Women attempting to instigate a war with African Americans. (Los Angeles). For the past 16 years, racially motivated school riots, intimidation and murder have been the realty of Los Angeles. Hispanics vs Black. The Newark shooting has made the headlines because the white man is threatened by the Hispanic invasion, using this incident as a platform for the anti-immigration agenda. Caring nothing about African American Victims.

The courage to demonize American immigration laws but if America where to adopt their immigration policies, 95% would not be here - much less demanding rights.

The courage to come to America dye their hair blonde put blue contacts in their eyes and call themselves white. Many denying their Inca, Aztec or Maya origins. When they get arrested or want acceptance they call themselves white. But when they want government benefits or tuititon assistance, white is mention nowhere on the application. All the while spewing racism against African Americans to be accepted by white America. But let the truth be told, if Hispanics where prodominatly white - there would be no border fence or anti-immigration politics. I don't see a fence being built at the Canadian Border.

Before African Americans struggled and died for civil rights, Hispanics changed their name to Martin Sheen or Debbie Carr with little talk of Latino or Hispanice culture or rights. After African Americans got bombed and brutalized for the right to be human, Hispanics then suddenly invented their culture to reap the benefits of the African American struggle. After welfare laws passed they poured in by the millions, making babies, seeking free money. After 911, thousands of Hispanic Immigrants fled America, when the dust cleared - like true parasites, they came running back.

I have lived in Miami, Los Angeles and New York I have witnessed the growing tensions between African Americans and Hispanics. They have to courage to shoot and kill African Americans because they know that our racist system cares nothing about African Americans victims.

But what racist white America does not understand is that today African Americans are the victims, tomorrow you are next. The simple realty is that most white Americans are living in their own fantasy world and have no clue as to what’s going on around them.

If you live in Miami it’s not uncommon to hear Hispanics especially Cuban exiles proclaim America to be Spanish territory. Many refusing to speak English (even though they can speak English) and demanding that we speak Spanish. 60% of the workers in Miami are illegal immigrants with most working in restaurants, hotels and the service industry. Again its not uncommon for them to greet you in Spanish and show their disdain when you can’t speak Spanish. Illegals requiring Americans citizens to speak Spanish yet no requirements for them to speak English. I have witnessed a Cuban exile (fresh off the boat from Cuba) demanding that his co-worker, a native American Indian speak spanish, claiming Miami to be Hispanic territory, all the while refusing to learn english. If American Citizens where to make the same demands in Latin America, burn and desecrate their flags while singing the American anthem, they would return to America via body bags.

As a veteran of Kosovo and Desert Storm, I have seen all this before. The same madness that gave birth to ethnic cleaning in Kosovo is the same madness that now infects North America, Canada, Australia and Europe. Muslims trying to impose sharia law or Hispanics trying to impose Spanish and their destructive third world mentality. Take Notice of California and Miami - both areas reflect the lawless, elitist, demented Latin culture.

This imposition is a prelude to Bosnia.

I say to America - say no to drugs, cheap labor and racism towards African Americans. Neither slave labor nor cheap labor made America a great democracy but rather Union Labor, descent wages and workers rights. Allowing Hispanics to overrun America will overnight turn this great democracy (imperfect as it my be) from a superpower to Tijuana.

Bring your military from the four corners of the earth, rid your country of invaders and expel the demons of Islam. Unionize every job in America and strengthen laws protecting women and children. Because the salvation of our pathetic souls is the health, happiness, education and independence of women.

---Building walls is foolish and a waste of time.
---Establish a National ID card
---Use the Military to Conduct Business Patrols
---Seize the assets of individuals and businesses who defy the law and hire illegal aliens.
---End Welfare, Bulldoze every ghetto in America and put poor Americans to work. Establish a no work no benefits policy.
---Don't rebuild Iraq - Rebuild America
---Deport every criminal illegal alien, including and especially Cuban exiles.
---Establish a first come first serve, equal treatment for all immigration policy
---No English - No green card policy (Millions of law abiding, english speaking true immigrants are standing in line, hoping for a better life in America. America does not have to deal with arrogant parasites.
---70% Reduction in Immigration
---Criminalize all forms of lobbying ( governments must serve the people).

Freedom and Liberty is something that your forefathers shed blood to achieve and therefore you have no right to bargain or throw away those rights. Freedom and Liberty is not free and must be respected. Oh yes, its all about respect. When you burn down your house, your neighbors house is not your house. Latino machoism, no women's rights, greed, selfishness, satanic cults (islam) and no respect for the rule of law has led to the destruction of their societies. When good men do nothing evil florishes so don’t allow Bush, lobbyist, corporate greed and immigrant arrogance to destroy America.

Stand up and reclaim your democracy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.